The Freedom Within


Much of the confusion of adolescence results from the intertwining of the seeking out of the new capacities afforded the expanding young adult consciousness and the boneheaded ignorance offered them by adult figures in their lives. In the absence of understanding profitable applications of their wider views of reality, being and personal validation, the unguided missile of their probing intellects will be interpreted as a mental aberration or illness. The greater understanding of the newly energized, unbroken intellect is drowned in a pool of repressive ignorance issued by small minded adults wishing only to make their own lives simpler by inspiring fear in the “challenging,” visionary youth.

The customs and culture that incubate this problem won’t change. It cannot. Such is human nature. The misperceptions of the majority define “normality” vs. troubled, “decency” vs. illegality. A confederation of short-sighted simpletons dictates the parameters of the society in which we’re absorbed.

The spark must come from within.

As you discover the views which comprise a greater vision of life, so to you must validate them – the world cannot comprehend the vistas of the visionary – thus they cannot celebrate them. Just as you can see angles to life which remain in the shadows to the eye of the masses, it is likewise upon you to use your visionary amperage to power up your own solutions. You must fuel your own confidence when the obtuse majority are condemning you.

Once you have come to a point of success, then you may find value in socializing with the insightfully-variable herd. But heal thyself first.

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