Fragmented Hideouts and the Rising Spirit


The Gifts of the Spirit bring us to a state of  
increase: in our awareness of God, awareness of our *own* spirit… and – an increase of responsibility in the use of this  freedom and power.  “Discerning the spirits” is a foundational theme of the Bible and other spiritual writings, and the process can find us in the midst of a wildly volatile storm in which we’re tempted to change “doctrines” every ten days! But with time, a broader view emerges, one that shows us that our original understanding was not so far off, it only needed a few flecks of illumination.

For thou wilt light my candle: the LORD my God will enlighten my darkness. (Psalm 18:28)

Fragmented Hideouts and the Rising Spirit

Empty fragments of the ego scream
“We’re real – we hurt – we need”

Nature whispers, “what is it you need?”

The fragments respond: “that which you denied us long ago.”

A voluminous yet subtle wind whispered, “All you had need of was yours, save for your failure to reach.”

My spirit rises from my core; my energy propels my consciousness beyond my fears.
“Don’t feed the ego,” my inner eye warns, “the fragments fuel their lusts from the rising spirit.”

I consider. Hadn’t the fragments arisen from starvation of spirit during ego’s growth?

“Certainly,” consciousness responded. “But their now-corrupted forms will misdirect the energy toward the dark. You must guide them with the knowledge they were denied in the ignorance of youth.”

One step closer. The horizon gleamed an additional lumen with new understanding.

One’s spirit must rise if we are to be whole.
We must deprive man’s artificial constructs from leaving us orphaned from nature, from spirit, from life.

Do not fear the dark.
Observe it from the vantage point of light.
As enlightenment filters through, let your rising spirit nourish your being.

The fragments will mend, morphing one step closer to their intended design.

© John Erickson

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